Sunday, May 23, 2010


We are making a pair of speakers that must be constructed out of a material that is recycled or being used for a purpose that it was not originally intended for. For this we are mostly using MDF which is a type of recycled wood and we are using carpet underlay which is usually intended to line the floor beneath carpets. However, we will use it to line the insides of our speakers to insulate it against the unwanted frequinceis that cancel out.

Envoronmental hazards that relate to these materials include the harmful gases produced by MDF when it is burnt or cut. This releases deadly chemicals that is in the carcenogenic glue of MDF and can cause damage to the atmosphere. Also, Carpet underlay is highly flammable and when ignited can cause physical harm and will also release large amounts of CO2 into the air.
To protect against these environmental and physical hazards we are required to wear a mask that will prevent inhalation of the carcenogenic gas. Also, we use large extraction fans and open windows to remove the fumes from the work area.

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